Ondernemer, cpProfessionWithFuture

The exam Bedrijfsbeheer in Belgium can only be taken in Dutch, French and German. But if you are still learning Dutch, that should not stop you from taking the first step towards starting your own business. That’s what drove us to develop this unique course! You can study in Italian to make sure you process all the content while you’ll also have the Dutch translation throughout the course, which will help you to successfully pass the exam in Dutch and start your own business! Subscribe now!

Gli argomenti selezionati per il corso sono stati scelti in base agli esami ufficiali che si svolgono a Bruxelles. Avrai la possibilità di comprendere appieno gli argomenti in italiano – la tua lingua d’origine o quella che conosci meglio – e di migliorare il tuo olandese nello stesso tempo! In questo modo avrai le maggiori possibilità di superare l’esame in olandese e ottenere la tua licenza ufficiale in Gestione Aziendale (Bedrijfsbeheer). Offriamo questo corso in 10 lingue diverse sempre accompagnate dalla traduzione in olandese.

Inoltre offriamo un servizio aggiuntivo unico agli student stranieri. Se scegli uno dei nostri corsi bilingue (lingua da te scelta – olandese) puoi decidere di avere una guida personale, non solo in olandese, ma anche nella tua lingua d’origine.

Het succes van een bedrijf wordt bepaald door de passie en inzet van zijn medewerkers.

Peter Drucker
Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans
  • cpEducationTypeProfessional
  • Centrum voor Afstandsonderwijs
  • cpCourseTypeHome
  • 3-6 month.plural cpCourseTypeHomeDurationSuffix
  • cpCourseTypeDiplomaPrefix attest
  • €175
cpProgram Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans
Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans-Nederlands online cursus
  • Avviare la tua attività come professione principale o secondaria
  • Fondamenti di contabilità (semplificata e a partita dopppia)
  • L’Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto (IVA)
  • Compilazione dei libri giornale degli acquisti e delle vendite
  • Tenuta di un giornale finanziario (libro di cassa)
  • Redazione di un inventario
  • Impostazione di un business plan
  • Redazione del bilancio e della dichiarazione di profitti e perdite
  • Conoscenza della politica commerciale e di marketing
  • Conoscenze di diritto commerciale e societario
  • Lo statuto sociale del lavoratore autonomo
  • Imparare a calcolare le proprie tasse
  • Capire il tuo commercialistaw
Studeren Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans-Nederlands
  • Request your own company number and launching your own business
  • Create a professional business plan
  • Create a balance sheet
  • Calculate taxes
  • Speaking the accounting lingo and get a thorough view on your own accounting
Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans-Nederlands studeren
  • Become a self-employed person as a main activity
  • Become a self-employed person as a secondary activity
cpTeachers Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans


You can start immediately with your training! A digital version of your course is available on your profile page as soon as you are registered. The paper version will be sent to you immediately, so you can expect your course package at home after a couple of days. Thanks to the flexible system of home study, you study where and when you want. You receive one year of guidance from a teacher with years of experience in the field. Take your exam at one of our locations when you are ready. If you pass, you will receive the certificate ‘Bedrijfsbeheer’ and you’ll be ready to take the official exam in Brussels.


At our school, you pay the lowest tuition fee! For only 175.00 euro, you receive a detailed textbook, one year of professional guidance from an experienced teacher who is passionate about his area of expertise, lifelong access to the online student platform and the possibility to take a free exam at one of our exam locations within a period of five years! This exam will be a fantastic preparation for the official examination in Brussels. In other words: we do everything we can to ensure a smooth start of your career!

Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans
  • cpEducationTypeProfessional
  • Centrum voor Afstandsonderwijs
  • cpCourseTypeHome
  • 3-6 month.plural cpCourseTypeHomeDurationSuffix
  • cpCourseTypeDiplomaPrefix attest
  • €175

cpStartNewCarreer Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans. cpChooseQualityEducationWith Centrum voor Afstandsonderwijs.

cpGoodToKnowAboutCourse Bedrijfsbeheer Italiaans

Het Centrum Voor Afstandsonderwijs is de belangrijkste opleidingsverstrekker van opleidingen in afstandsonderwijs in Vlaanderen. Door de jarenlange ervaring heeft de school een groot en gebalanceerd opleidingsaanbod uitgebouwd met relevante opleidingen voor de arbeidsmarkt. Kiezen voor het Centrum Voor Afstandsonderwijs is kiezen voor flexibel studeren waarbij je toch persoonlijk begeleid wordt door gemotiveerde en professionele docenten.





Ik had snel het attest nodig en koos voor deze tweetalige cursus. Ik werk voltijds dus dit was voor mij het makkelijkst. Het ging erg vlot!


Heel handig dat deze tweetalige cursus bestaat! Ik had snel het attest. Degelijke cursus en via het platform kon ik al mijn vragen stellen.





